Thursday, January 28, 2010

Colton and Baby Updates -

Colt had a wound nurse appt on Tuesday and all went well - he had more hyper granulation occurring on each wound so she had to put zinc oxide or something on each of them which he did not like at all, but she thinks he's healing well and figured about 10 more days, however I think that could be true for his wrist but maybe a tish longer for the back of his arm. We also got his nose stitches out last Friday as they were starting to either get infected or he was having a reaction to them (which can happen on the face), that wasn't so fun but he has kept his steri-strips on pretty good until Tuesday when he has started to consistently pull them off. We only needed them on until yesterday, but I'm keeping on a couple days longer since he keeps pulling them off. He'll have a decent scar but at least the gash has closed up fairly well.

I am 34 weeks this week and had an appt Tuesday - they said the baby is totally transverse (and has been since my last ultrasound at 28 weeks). This is the worst position it could be in, typically they can't flip transverse baby like they can breech (doing an external version - which is them basically numbing you up and doing lots of pushing around your belly to move the baby manually) and I have heard that version's can be very painful and in the case of transverse babies - they usually just go right back into that position because they are most comfortable that way. Basically the head is laying on my left hip and butt on my right - legs and arms up, and spine curled down at the bottom. Only about 1 in 2000 babies are still in this position when you go into labor, however since it has been in this same position for 6 weeks, there is a chance it won't turn and we could have to do a csection. They are starting my weekly appts 1 week early, next Tuesday, and will also ultrasound to check weight and position. I am measuring 3 weeks ahead (37 weeks) as of this week, so they want to make sure the baby isn't getting too big, but I'm sure it's just because it's in such an odd position. They will probably make a call in the next couple weeks if we would do a csection early. Typically they can wait till you go into labor to see if the baby will flip and if not, you are looking at a last minute csection, however, with the fact it has stayed in position so long and it probably won't and that I'm measuring ahead and that I typically have babies early - there will be lots to talk about next week after the ultrasound. I am obviously 100% hoping no csection, so we'll just have to see. More to come next week...definitely ready to wind this pregnancy down and SO IS Corey. I have been much more testy this pregnancy and let me tell you, if someone could capture all my thoughts, I'd have an international comedic best seller! Corey doesn't know this - but it's very funny. Sometime in the last week he and I were a bit crabby and I yelled something down to him and he said he couldn't hear what I was saying and I got totally annoyed because if he answered, obviously he heard me and in a fairly loud tone I responded back 'BITE ME! ...DID YOU HEAR THAT?!' ;) oh, I'm so lady-like sometimes it kills me!! :)


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