Monday, February 15, 2010

OB update

Ok - met with Dr. Dangerfield this morning. The baby is still very high due to the fact I have so much amniotic fluid - it is in an oblique position, meaning 'kittywampus' as he said...or a bit diagonal, but head down to the side. He didn't make that sound like that meant much because it's still floating around and has so much room to move (as he put it - it's floating around so much that it's in a different county from where I am). With that said, he can't really do a version this week since the baby isn't 'engaged' or moved down as it should be (whether that be with the head or the legs - it is just still up so high). He wanted to see me 1 week from now to re-check position and said we would schedule & do the version (on the baby floor) that day of my appt if the baby hasn't moved into position and engaged. However, he must not have realized he is out Mon and Tues and possibly Weds, so they tried to schedule me with his NP, which I put the kibosh on as I know I need to see an OB doc. I just talked to his nurse finally and she spoke to him and he apologized saying he hadn't realized he was out but that he WILL be in next Weds so they have me scheduled for next Weds at 9am and unless the baby is completely flipped and engaged the right way, he will do the version that day. He also let me know it's possible my water could break over the next week and due to the nature of the position, if that happened I would need to get to the hospital right away and make sure to let them know the position info. If it would happen (water breaks) and I go in, they would need to check position right away via ultrasound - if it wasn't fully head down, it would be a c-section. So, now...just a waiting game.


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