Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Updates from home...

Hi everyone! Well, baby Kellen Paul Cruchet was born last Weds, March 10 at 3:29pm...21.25 in long and 7lbs 3oz! Paul was Corey's Grandpa Cruchet. I was induced at 7am and it was a long and interesting day. His HR kept dropping every time they would do the pitocin so they have to back off, put me on oxygen...etc. Things were moving pretty slowly and with lots of ups and downs I think everyone was under the assumption as the dr was on the way to the hospital that it was going to end up with a csection as my contractions were pretty bad to the point the epidural wasn't doing much at all and it was time, but Kellen just wasn't ready - little stinker! Thankfully we didn't have to go the csection route and we had a new healthy boy #3...WATCH OUT WORLD - YOU NOW HAVE 3 CRUCHET BOYS TO DEAL WITH! I certainly would have been happy to have a girl, but I have 4 nieces and I'm just fine with that - we've already got a groove going with our boys, so why break the stride?! Poor Sversons in our backyard - their 2 girls (ages 2 and 5) are now TOTALLY outnumbered by us and Eversons...we now have 6 boys between the 2 of us...ages 0, 1, 2, 2.5, almost 5 and 6.5 - Yikes! Hospital time was great - and coming home the same. My parents and Lauren were staying here with the boys from Tues to Sat and Shelly was also here and was in the room with us for delivery! Colton has really gotten to like Kellen and doesn't mind when he cries (he actually runs to see if he's Ok and doesn't try to steal his pacifier (yes, I broke down after 2 sleepless nights and gave it to him and he loves it;)). Colt also isn't bothered or jealous when we hold him - which we thought would happen. Tyler LOVES Kellen - always wants to sit with him, hold him, give him baby toys, sleep by him...etc. VERY good big brothers!. Things with us haven't been too crazy with the exception of nights 1 and 2 at home and no sleep. He will sleep alone no problem during the day but the little bugger wants to be right with me at night, so we'll have to figure that one out quickly. Ty and Colt and all the daycare kids (and 2 teachers) walked to our house yesterday to stand outside the picture window and see him - they all had so much fun and were so excited. Kelly said Kellen was the talk of daycare yesterday!

Other than that, we are just adjusting our schedule to having 3 and spending both family time together as well as giving each 1-1 time. That has been my biggest challenge but things have been going pretty smoothly and I think it will be really good once Corey is home on his time off and Kellen is a couple months older. I am taking 4 months and Corey is taking 6 weeks - he will take it at the end of my time so we can all hang out together and then we'll both go back Tuesday, July 6th.

OH! Yesterday Tyler had his Kindergarten screening at Central Cass - so I have included some pictures below of that. I was so pumped and did awesome - scored really well on his tests and will be on his way to kindergarten on the bus with 'the schoolies' next fall! They will have 4 kindergarten classes - so Ty should have a pretty big class through the years.

Will have lots of pictures to come - from all the ones I am taking at home (see below)...Trudy is taking some pics of Kellen for her website on Friday and we have Mark coming here to take both his newborn pics and Colton's 2 year pics at our house next Tuesday!

Talk to you soon and Happy St. Patty's Day!

Tyler, Colton, Kellen, Corey and Kelly

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